Sunday, August 22, 2004

Tempus Fugit

So much has happened since I last put finger to keyboard and blogged.
Some good things, some bad, and yet I'm still around to tell the tale.
Funny that. I went through a patch were I thought the eaiest way out of the many problems this planet chucks at us is to remove yourself from it. As I write I think that I'm probably wrong. You have to face the day to day shit with girded loins and a large wacking brick, and on the odd second off, count all the things you have to be grateful for. It seems on reflection I have more positives than negatives at present.
I have made a new friend. A friend is a rare thing. You don't have many friends in your life, and to make a new one is something to celebrate.
Cat agrees in her usual laconic way.
As far as songwriting goes I've been both a busy and a very lazy beaver. written a lot, though none have been finished to any degree of personal satisfaction.
Songfight continues and I've now benn involved in 11 fights on my own, 2 with Kapitano, one 1 hour sidefight, and submitted 3 entries to another sidefight entitled 'the one'.
I'll try to keep this blog more current from now on, more as a personal excercise in discipline, than from any hope that it will be read.
There it is then.

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