Tuesday, March 29, 2005

'tis an odd thing...

... but I started this blog to waffle on about music, and it seems to have wandered off course. In light of this, and because I aim to drift back to a strictly musical flavoured blog I shall end this non musical excursion with a eulogy for my log, who died last night.
I had Sidney, my log, ever since I moved into the house. He was given to me by Brigitte and I had intended to use him as the raw material for a sculpture the like of which will now never be known. Every year I managed to save him from the flames of our voracious furnace. Often only by the skin of his bark.
Brigitte though me silly, but Sidney and I had an understanding. He was a loyal log, a good log, and, I like to think, a wisw log. He was always there for me. Last night, in a moment of mutual catharsis, he has been released. He has travelled to the place where all good logs go, and I wish him well.
Goodbye Sidney.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

A new Doctor? Yes. A good Doctor? No!

I was eagerly anticipating the new Doctor Who, and tonight I was badly disappointed. Perhaps It's more from distorted childhood memory, but I remember Dr Who as being fresher, ballsier and rather cutting edge. This new Who couldn't cut its way out of a paper bag if its life depended on it.
I would like to blame BBC Wales for the parochial feel, but I think in actuality Dr Who has been stuck down by the dreaded English disease. Instead of wobbly sets we were given wobbly shop manequins. A Very sad day for sci-fi.
Grant seems to like it, which I find vaguely unsettling.

Saturday, March 12, 2005


I read in Grant's blog that Dave Allen died. In the 70's and 80's I used to watch him sitting on his swivel chair (with added shelf for ubiquitous glass of Irish whiskey and packet of fags) getting drunk and telling the most outrageous jokes. The whole family used to watch. His jokes and sketches seemed either political or religious in nature.
Though I imagine he would be tame by modern day standards, I remember him as razor sharp. Whilst his missing finger used to weird me out!
Bye Dave.


I'm continuing to learn Zoops, which I think will be a doddle once I get my head around the concepts and decide on a theme. I've got a meeting on tuesday to discuss three static web sites, one of which will end up being a cms at some 'later date'. I have a pitch on monday for another cms which should be a 'shoe in' (wonderful Americanism), though I have a gut feeling it's going to be grief. I have all these positive signs for a rosy future... So why do I feel like the world is going to fall on my head at any minute?

Friday, March 11, 2005

Finally... Again.

Quite chuffed really. It's nearly 4am, and I'm going to be having (preens himself) Installed apache server, php and sql on my local machine. Then installed both wordpress and xoops AND got them both working.
A doddle, a mere bagatelle, water off a Duck's back... Not.
Bon nuit, schlaff gut, etc.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

She is not amused

The Cat I mean.
I let a rather good brunch go cold while playing ' Cat Stacking '. She said it's a spin on the old game of tetris. I said shut up or be stacked.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Click here now!

I had a very happy, though probably not entirely pc half hour... And I made 320.5!
btw do crank up the sound.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Meh is such a good word for how I feel as I type. Blech or 'whatever' would do as well I suppose. I writing this more for the must keep up the blog portion of the brain than from anything profound to say. While I'm here I will say this. I want more snowy mornings... Provided the car starts.
I got an entry in early for songfight this week, then on guidance from Grant changed the drum part. Much better and still in early.
The cats are hellish amusing in the snow. I wish I could speak Cat. It would be a useful string to the bow. As would being an astronaut. Maybe next week.