Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sincerity Machine is next for videoization (or whatever)

We've decided that all the songs on 'Dealing With Liquids' will eventually have videos made for them. Some will be purely performance driven whilst others, like 'Spring of Teal', will be more.

The next one is going to be 'Sincerity Machine.' The lyrics tell a story, and the story will become a video ... which is often easier said than done, I should bleedin' well cocoa (whatever that means).

So, here's the lowdown. Mick is going to be the aged east end crook. Hahahahahahahaha! ;) for some reason Nick coughs uncontrollably.

Umm, more to follow as the project kicks off. In fact, I'll do my best to keep a detailed blog of the production.


Kapitano said...

So if Mick's going to be an east end crook...does that mean Nick's going to have blond hair and movie starlet looks? :-)

Nick said...

Nope, we have a young chap to play the naive boy. All the band members are just a tad long in the tooth for the part - cute though we may be. ;)