Monday, December 20, 2004

Is deep Throat senile?

Deep Throat, the 'person' who comes up with the titles at songfight has done it again. Naff would be my word of choice for this weeks titles.
The first was 'Les Anchois' (Muse sighed in a heavily resigned manner). I swiftly eyed title two which was 'Block City'. So the choice was obvious. I hate Anchovies, have never had anything good to say about them. I don't like them in or on food of any variety, and as pets go they suck. Block City didn't stir me either, So no song... Then -
I discovered I would join in a flash, if only my damn pc was up to spec. It seems like a huge leap forward, and fun to boot (I'm not describing what it is, you'll just have to go and check it out for yourselves). Anyhow, to cut a blitheringly boring diatribe short, It took me a while but I finally came up with a lyrical idea, and a tune which works... Too late to record by the deadline however. Sad, but true. Anyway, here are the lyrics for Block City, which I will endevour to record at some point:

What are you going to do with your second life
You’ve got the building blocks to make it right
You could build a town house or an island retreat
A big block city just seems too obscene

Everybody feels the need to try again
Now we have the place to make
A halcyon life that never ends
Everybody wants to transcend the norm
Become the character they dream about
From dusk till dawn

What are you going to do with your second life
Start a shopping mall or an x rated punk rock dive
Become the artist you’ve always wanted to be
Win a songfight? Oh mamma let it be!

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