Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wave & stuff

Google's Wave has kicked off with a limited public trial of 100,000 people who can each invite 5 others to join up. Not that you'll have a lot of success, but if you want to ask for an invitation then click the title link above to apply. It looks like the future of interactive communication and collaboration is finally here! Or so Google say.

'Piece of the Heat' is sounding bloody brilliant, thanks to Mick's hard work and my whining at him when he gets carried away. I think - yes, occasionally I do - that he is going to be a seriously sought after producer once the album is released.

Cheers all,


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mick's ill. :(

Poor Mick. After flogging all the way over to the studio by train and bus I had to drive him home after only an hour. He's running a temperature and had a headache that was verging on migraine. Since he was in London on Tuesday I can only keep my fingers crossed that it isn't bloody swine flu ... and, if it is swine flu, that I haven't got it.

Oh yeah, on the way home I was listening to radio four who were saying that: those in the know reckon that the second phase of the swine flu pandemic has just kicked off. So, that's cheery, then! ;)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Recording News

The recording of the album, which, to me had seemed as slow as a fly caught in amber, has, over the last week, sped up incredibly. We now realise that we have some really good tracks, and because of that we have extra super-duper added impetus to get it finished. I know that it's easy for me to say they're good, but in fact, and without hubris, they actually are. Damn good. Fucking good, even. ;)

I'm totally psyched!

Friday, September 18, 2009

A fresh start!

So ... it appears that I've neglected this blog for four years. 4 YEARS!!! *Nick looks askance and wonders if he's entirely lost his marbles* I almost can't believe it, but knowing myself and my skittish flibbertigibbet nature, I suppose I'm not too shocked.

The last thing we did in 2005, was play the Pestalozzi Festival, in Sussex. That gig was supposed to be the start of a tour, but it was not to be. At the time we didn't have a manager, or the knowledge of how to push ourselves as an Independent act. We still don't have a manager, but we do now have the knowledge to get cracking!

We've written a lot of new material, and are in the final stages of recording our first album. Though we are still debating its name I can say we are releasing both on physical CD, and digital download through our own label and CD Baby.

Mick is also going to be adding to the blog on a regular basis.