Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Another pointless self recriminating blog entry:
I have a great song to record for a 'Coverfight'.
' Between the Rain' by Jim Tyrrell is the sort of music I love, the sort of music that I could perform well, and yet can I 'get it together' to learn this track well enough to record it? Can I fuck.
I would really like to know why.
And while I'm at it I want to know why I have spent four hours sitting here dicking about in a truly pointless manner rather than achieving something concrete, or at the very least catching up on some sleep.
I did achieve one thing however. I downloaded 'ACID lite' for the PC. This looks like it could be a really useful bit of software... This is of course dependant on my sorting out the PC, and if I get the urge to do that in the next millennium I will amaze myself...
I am supposed to be writing and recording an album with Kapitano shortly. I am on the one hand looking forward to this a lot, and on the other don't really give a damn.
The best laid plans are often thwarted by lassitude, and I am lassitude personified at present.
It's raining outside. Heavily.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

'I'm With Steve Now' Pt 2

I spent all day knowing exactly what I should be doing with this bloody song, and being unable to achieve it.
Eveything impedes me:
The room I work in is messy, so I should clean it... Can't be fucked.
I should have spent time 'doing' the garden... ditto
I should have written a long letter to a client, but I couldn't be fucked to do that either. QED I felt, and still feel guilty. Infact mentally it's taking me straight back to my school days where I spent more time coming up with excuses for not doing an assignment, than it would have taken to do the assignment in the first place.
Am I odd? I don't know. Probably.
I've come up with a resonable explanation for being the way I am. It's very simple and goes like this... I think of myself like an onion (btw it works for everyone).
I was born as this little 'nub' of spirt, thing, soul: call it what you will. Each day that goes by, each experience we have adds a layer to this onion.
Ergo the older you get, the more layers have been added, and the harder it is to reach back and connect with the 'nub' that is the real you.
At present I feel like I'm about to be chopped up and added to some peculiar sauce.
I do know that I have to do something about the state I'm in before it gets any worse. The question is what. Cat has no answer.

I've uploaded the finished 'I'm With Steve Now' so at least I don't have to worry about that. It does piss me off that it's not where I want it to be, still in the grand scheme of things does it really matter? Mediocraty rules with Apathy as his queen.

I'm with steve now - Songfight

They do come up with some strange titles. However I have this one sussed and I'm Reggaefying it (perhaps a new word for the OED). I should say white man's reggae, as I'll never get that true island feel in a month of sundays.
Kapitano turned me on to Godfrapp's 'Black Cherry', and it has totally blown me away... It's 'Fantastical'. So I have decided to change my style for a while. To get away from the usual pap I write and 'into' something else.
With the fates willing Kapitano and I are hopefully going to write and record an ep soon.

Tempus Fugit

So much has happened since I last put finger to keyboard and blogged.
Some good things, some bad, and yet I'm still around to tell the tale.
Funny that. I went through a patch were I thought the eaiest way out of the many problems this planet chucks at us is to remove yourself from it. As I write I think that I'm probably wrong. You have to face the day to day shit with girded loins and a large wacking brick, and on the odd second off, count all the things you have to be grateful for. It seems on reflection I have more positives than negatives at present.
I have made a new friend. A friend is a rare thing. You don't have many friends in your life, and to make a new one is something to celebrate.
Cat agrees in her usual laconic way.
As far as songwriting goes I've been both a busy and a very lazy beaver. written a lot, though none have been finished to any degree of personal satisfaction.
Songfight continues and I've now benn involved in 11 fights on my own, 2 with Kapitano, one 1 hour sidefight, and submitted 3 entries to another sidefight entitled 'the one'.
I'll try to keep this blog more current from now on, more as a personal excercise in discipline, than from any hope that it will be read.
There it is then.